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The primary utility available at this time is ikonex. It can be used for testing and exercising hardcopy boards and their attached plotters. Ikonex source is available for compilation on a Linux system, as are precompiled objects for Solaris SPARC and Solaris x86. Ikonex is located under ikonex in the Utilities directory. Please see the readme file for further information.
There is also a similar utility - "windex" - available for the Tahoma Tech 10121 Ethernet/VPI converter, and the 10120 IEEE 1284/VPI converter when combined with an Axis or SEH network print server. It allows testing and exercising a converter and attached plotter via ethernet using commands similar to those available in ikonex. Source code and pre-compiled binaries for Windows, Linux, and Solaris are available. Please see the readme file under windex in the Utilities directory.
Also available is an updated version of the (very!) simple iktest0 test program, which will print 10 lines of "hello world" on a printer/plotter connected to /dev/ihcp0. The updated version selects PRINT mode if the attached device is using the VPI interface. For anything more elaborate than this very simple test, use ikonex.
Other test and exercise programs are included with some Device Drivers. Please see the specific driver for further information.
Utility software for the network print server used in the 10121 Ethernet/VPI Converter (similar to the Axis 5400+) can be found on the Axis website: http://www.axis.com/techsup/software/index.htm. The Axis IPInstaller program is available to Windows users. It is a convenient way to set the print server's IP address. These Axis utilities also apply to the Axis 5400+ external print server when used with a 10120 IEEE 1284/VPI converter. Similar utility software is available for the SEH PS105 network print server which may also be used with the 10120 at www.seh-technology.com.
Please note that references to Ikon Corporation found in the documentation and code are left in place for compatibility and historical reasons. As the code and documentation has previously been placed in the public domain, this does not constitute a use of the IKON Office Solutions (IOS) marks, which are the property of IOS. These documents and programs are maintained by Tahoma Technology.
As of January 1 2016, Tahoma Technology is no longer in business.
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